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Showing posts from February, 2010

Its called the Magical Destiny!

Every thing happens 4 a reason,ya dats true bt sum magical powers r also dere.sum tyms question arises in ma mind y m here,is dere ny body above us,cant say sum tyms it looks v r d boss, bt sum tyms v r as poor as lamb wo gnna cut by case a statement is cumin 2 ma mind ---"no body is atheist in dis foxhle". in pressure situation everybody reminds or remember god. dere r many situation wen u gnna blame on god, y u r doin dis 2 me n sum tyms feelin cums 2 ur mind dat u d luckiest one,god is with u.u mus b thinkin y m writin dis actually i wanna make ma meanin clear 2 "magical destiny" . dis u can attain by your efforts n sum wat by god. nw make you clr ab dis god.wat dis god is "magical power" yeap its d magical power,which healp u 2 attain ur goal..magical powers---nt dat tantra mantra,its sum wordin or feelin dat forces you 2 move on right wat n achieve your always thik dat u r lucky n god has chosen u specially for dis task.. mot